Letter: Repeated annoyance at KGH

So maybe you’re not a bully by your definition but a harassing person, ummm ya, I think so.

To the editor:

Regarding the letter from Murray Elliott. [‘Inflammatory’ Terms Used for Anti-choice Lobby, Oct. 11 Capital News.]

He states that by definition that they do not bully and harassment the young girls coming in for abortions, but by his own definition he is doing exactly that.

Harassment by your definition:

“1. To annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way”—If you only go out front of the hospital one day then it’s OK, but since you go out there every Tuesday now you are repeating yourself and, thus, harassment has occurred.

“2. To make repeated attacks against (an enemy)”—Again you go out there every Tuesday, therefore harassment has occurred.

Until the ignorant people in this city (world) walk a mile in one of those girls’ shoes they should keep their thoughts to themselves.

So maybe you’re not a bully by your definition but a harassing person, ummm ya, I think so.

Ian Wright,



Kelowna Capital News