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LETTER: Reporting church gatherings reminiscent of the Stasi in East Germany

The secret police had half the population snitching on the other half

The fact that people in Chilliwack are reporting churches that are meeting in supposed contravention of a government order reminds me of the happenings in East Germany in the 1970s and 1980s, when the Stasi, the secret police, had half the population snitching on the other half, and is edging close to police actions last week and, ongoing, in China, where police enter churches to shut them down, and arrest and imprison pastors and people.

READ MORE: Two Chilliwack churches continue in-person services despite public health orders

And those countries did not have, nor does China have today, any constitutional freedom of religion.

Since church attendance is entirely voluntary this means that anyone in those churches is there by their own choice.

Perhaps just leave them alone?

Reid Fowler

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