A Township resident is critical of council which recently decided to replace the Fort Langley pool with a spray park. (Google Maps grab)

LETTER: Resident recommends cleaning out Township council in next election over pool vote

Public feedback preferred a pool over a spray park but council opted to go with spray park

Dear Editor,

Spray park goes ahead in Fort Langley – against the wishes of most of the residents!

Here we go again with Township of Langley council turning a deaf ear to the residents and doing whatever they want to do.

Why ask for public input if they are going to just toss it into the waste bin?

This reminds me of how Aldergrove got an outdoor pool when they wanted an indoor pool.

Residents of Langley Township need to take note who is on council today and ensure they are not there in the next municipal election.

Time to get rid of the dead wood.

Sanda Steffan, Willoughby


• READ MORE: Letter writer urges council to restore or replace pool

• READ MORE: Closed pool to become a spray park

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