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LETTER: Resident sad to see worsening Maple Ridge litter problem

A local letter writer said her concerns have fallen on deaf ears

Dear Editor,

I’m writing this letter out of emotion.

I walk everyday around Maple Ridge with my dogs, and I have lived here for 20 years. I raised my kids here on my own.

I have noticed there is so much garbage all around town. I have noticed though most of the garbage is anywhere around where the homeless hang out or live.

In the bushes across from the casino used to be a great place to walk on a trail but is now overcome by the homeless and their garbage. We are no longer allowed in there as it belongs to them now.

I also walk past the modular housing on Royal Crescent everyday, and see shopping carts and garbage on the side walk daily.

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I have written several letters to the housing to let them know and attached pictures. They got back to me almost two months later.

I truly can’t understand how our beautiful Maple Ridge has become so dirty with litter in the past year. It is disgusting.

At first it made me mad, but now it just makes me sad. I have only seen it become worse as time goes on.

I have decided that I will sell my home and move out of Maple Ridge in the next couple years. What a shame that I have to do this.

Brenda Mallinson, Maple Ridge


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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News