Letter: Residents displaced by fire offer thanks

Residents grateful for support during and after fire

We are writing on behalf of the residents of the condominium fire in Oak Bay on May 11.  We wish to express our appreciation to many people.

The Oak Bay, Victoria and Saanich fire departments all responded to the emergency calls. The firefighters were remarkable in getting the fire under control quickly.

When we thanked them the next day they said it was their job, but it’s a dangerous and difficult job.  Words are inadequate to express our gratitude for their work.

We also wish to thank the police officer who arrived to keep people safe and to be a liaison with the fire chief; an ambulance crew arrived but no one was injured so they were able to leave fairly soon.

The volunteers at Oak Bay Emergency Preparedness also came to help us and support us at such a difficult time.

Oakwood Property Management was integral in quickly connecting with the building’s insurance company and also being present to support and provide information to residents the next morning.

The staff at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel are to be commended for their sense of community and their helpfulness the evening of the fire. They brought out coats and blankets, they provided chairs, and hot drinks and snacks.  When we were advised to go inside they provided a warm meeting place so one of the fire chiefs could keep us informed and introduce us to the emergency preparedness volunteers.

And finally but certainly not least, we wish to thank Hazel Braithwaite, an Oak Bay councilor, who came the evening of the fire to give support and share information with us. She stayed until the last person left. We thank her for her kindness.

Oak Bay is a remarkable community to live in and we have much to be thankful for.

To all of our family, friends, and neighbours we thank you for your support and for taking us in.


Donna MacIntyre, Jackie Saunders-Ritchie, Anne Thackray, Lynne Walker

Oak Bay


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