Letter: Residents need to benefit from ties

We all remember the bee hive burners and the fly ash and smoke in the 70s and 80s.


We all remember the bee hive burners and the fly ash and smoke in the 70s and 80s.

Along came the co-generation plant when we got clean air and generated power at the same time, saving fossil fuel. There was a benefit.

Now, Atlantic Power wants to burn rail ties that are pressure treated with creosote and/or CAS (pentachlorophenol chromated copper arsenate). We all know these substances are a health hazard when burned.

The only one benefiting from the burning of these rail ties in Williams Lake is Atlantic Power.

Besides getting paid by BC Hydro for not operating during periods of low power demand, AP will probably get paid by the rail companies for disposing of old rail ties.

Excel Energy French Island Plant at Lacrosse, Wisconsin burns rail ties.

That plant was made and designed to burn household waste along with old rail ties. Is the plant in Williams Lake made the same?

Have there been any tests to find out if the gases from the rail tie burning there are safe?

Who did the tests?

How do residents of Williams Lake benefit? Do we get cheaper power or lower taxes?

Is AP improving our health and quality of life by burning these creosoted rail ties in Williams Lake?

Think about it.

Merrill Allen

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune