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LETTER: Residents need to preserve Pitt Meadows historic park

Retired deputy fire chief asks fellow Pitt Meadows residents to fight to keep Harris Road Park

Dear Editor,

Many people who live in Pitt Meadows have always been “proud” of our community.

The rural feeling you get when you live here; the trees and the fields, the farms and the few remaining cows, the quiet at night, friendly people living together and providing the services that allow us to live safe and sound.

Supported by volunteers and concerned citizens 24 hours a day, and paid full-time staff during their workday shifts, elected officials and professionals.

Recreation, protective services, infrastructure, and adminstration – all working hard to care for our home.

RECENT LETTER: Pitt Meadows mayor argues in favour of local detachment

This is the way it has been for many years, but only because we stood up and protected it when it was threatened.

In recent years, we have let ourselves and our community down by allowing changes to erode everything we have been and continue to be so “proud” of.

These threats always start small and grow exponentially – the death of a thousand cuts.

Change will always happen and can be good, but it must preserve our core values.

We need to recognize these threats when they are small, and stand up and insist that we protect what we have left.

The old rec hall was once our city hall with worksyard next to it and the firehall across the street.

It sits on “hallowed” ground, serving multiple uses through the years, and the only reason Harris Park is not a residential or commercial developmnent is because the truly “proud” people of Pitt Meadows stood up, preserved, and defended it.

RELATED: Pitt Meadows council approves RCMP detachment at art gallery site

Let’s honour this legacy, stop “erosion” of Harris Road Park, and continue to preserve a real symbol of our pride.

Dave Douglas, retired deputy fire chief for Pitt Meadows volunteer fire department

Pitt Meadows


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