LETTER: Residents shouldn’t be forced to pay tolls

MLAs should explain how myriad issues reflect fairness

Various news reports have indicated the alleged heavy traffic on the Pattullo Bridge is due to drivers trying to escape the tolls on the Port Mann Bridge. The issue has again surfaced in discussing possible solutions, including the suggestion that the Pattullo Bridge be replaced with a four-lane structure with tolls applied.

As a resident of the Fraser Valley I would ask the reasoning for tolls on either bridge. The cost of the bridges to the North Shore was fully paid for by all B.C. residents and neither of these bridges have any tolls. It therefore seems reasonable to me that residents of the Fraser Valley should not be forced to pay tolls, and payment for the bridges should come from general revenue or other accounts within the provincial government.

If the elected Liberal MLAs were doing their job they would be pressing for genuine equality for all residents. Tragically, they are more concerned with covering up weaknesses within our current Liberal government than taking appropriate action to rectify this inequality.

There are many other issues that seriously affect the average citizen such as the completely immoral action in charging for parking at hospitals – an action that is nothing less than a direct tax on the sick and their families.

To make matters worse, people are required to guess the length of time they will require and must prepay accordingly with absolutely no way of obtaining any refund for the time not used and, in addition, the company that oversees said parking receives 100 per cent of all fines from tickets placed on vehicles.

I would appreciate an honest response from at least one of our MLAs showing how the above matters reflect any fairness or equality.

Frank Wirrell, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News