A Canada goose honks at other birds at Sardis Park on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)

LETTER: Respect the signs, don’t feed the birds

Rules are in place to protect our wildlife, says letter writer

I thoroughly enjoy the natural beauty of Sardis Park on a regular basis. What an incredible oasis in the middle of our city. Kudos to the City of Chilliwack who maintain the park so well, keeping things trimmed and planting lovely flowers for all to enjoy.

There are a number of signs posted asking people not to feed ducks and geese and generally these are very well respected. However, twice in the past week I have seen people feeding these birds.

The first lady I spoke to was pleased that I let her know, as she hadn’t noticed the signs. The next lady asked me “do you work here?” When I responded saying that I didn’t, she just carried on feeding the ducks and geese.

These signs are posted for a reason and must be respected. Let’s all enjoy the beauty and nature of this wonderful park and observe the rules that are in place to protect our wildlife.

Vanessa Beaulne

Chilliwack Progress