LETTER: Returned wallet restores faith in humanity

Teenage Good Samaritan makes someone's day.

Recently my nephew lost a wallet in Surrey with more than $700 in it.  A 17-year-old young man found him on Facebook and returned it.

Here’s what my nephew said:

My faith in humanity is restored.

Last night my wallet fell out of my car in a parking lot and I drove away with out knowing it. The wallet contained over $700 Cdn. and $86 U.S. ready to be deposited into the ATM, along with my crane licence, drivers licence, bank cards etc…

When I went back to where it fell, it was gone and there was nothing left to do but accept the loss.

A couple hours later I received a message on Facebook from a stranger.

When this 17-year-old guy returned my wallet to me, not only was every single dollar still in it but he refused to accept any kind of reward. He said, “The satisfaction of knowing you got it back is all I want.”

It wasn’t enough to insist that he accept a reward, I had to argue with him to get him to accept $50, which he finally did.

Absolutely amazing. That kid’s my hero!


Darcy Kehler




Surrey Now Leader