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LETTER: Revisions to Langley tree bylaw over the top

Reader critical of Township council, calling actions over kill

Dear Editor,

I am concerned that the proposed revisions to the existing tree bylaw are, to say the least, an overkill reaction, which does nothing to address the problem that the bylaw was initially created for – that being the “clear cutting” of properties that was usually done by developers, which I note are not covered under this bylaw according to the information on the Township of Langley website.

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As a residential property owner in Brookswood for the past 47 years, I have not noticed any detrimental changes to the canopy and wonder why these revisions are required at all, and also what the seeming urgency is in getting these revisions passed by council, ASAP?

It appears that this council’s objective is to make the removal of a tree as difficult and costly to the homeowner as possible with fees, permits, and arbourist’s report costs – all on top of our ever increasing annual tax bill – all of which are required regardless if a tree is dead, dying, or wind blown down prior to removal.

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The deletion of the provision to remove one tree every 24 months further restricts the property owner, who should not have to submit a documentation report prepared by a “qualified tree risk assessor.”

Who dreams this stuff up?

It’s time for some new faces, fresh ideas, and realistic thinking – all of which this council is lacking.

John Barnard, Brookswood


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