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LETTER: Rezoning of Summerland Motel will affect Trout Creek residents

Council made decision despite protests from residents

Dear Editor:

It is a sad day in Summerland history when a mayor and four councillors can decide the fate of hundreds of Trout Creek residents and thousands of Summerland residents for one business.

On Nov. 9, a portion of Summerland’s city council decided that they would allow the Summerland Motel to be rezoned for single adult only apartments.

READ ALSO: Controversial Summerland motel conversion approved

READ ALSO: B.C. secures motel, hotel rooms for COVID-19 shelter space

The Summerland Motel was complaining of tough times during these COVID-19 times and convinced three people that they would be providing much needed accommodation in Summerland.

Businesses all over Summerland and the rest of the country are suffering from business slowdowns due to the pandemic we are going through.

These accommodations are for single adult people, not families, in an area surrounded by young families and an elementary school.

The meeting itself had five council members and was limited to a small number of Summerland residents. However, there was a petition of more than 170 people opposing the rezoning and many people who would not attend because of the pandemic. That is more than 200 directly affected people and thousands of people affected overall for the sake of one business.

Apparently, there is no means to appeal the decision.

Paul Monaghan


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