Letter: Road changes for bike lanes creates more traffic woes

Letter: Road changes for bike lanes creates more traffic woes

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Re: Expect delays as Cadboro Bay Road gets bike lanes (OakBayNews.com)

Congratulations to Oak Bay for making more traffic woes.

I am referring to Fort/Foul Bay where there is now one lane going westbound. Previously there was a short lane as well and traffic using it could merge with vehicles on the original lane once past Foul Bay. Without that short lane rush hour traffic will be lined up to at least Bee Street if not farther. And now a left turn lane at Florence – for the half dozen cars a day that need it.

Come on! It’s obvious the reason is bicycle lanes which will create more automobile congestion and pollution. Roads in the city were mainly built 40 years ago when there was about one-fifth the traffic of today. Taking away road lanes for the sake of a few bicycles is wrong. It’s obvious our cycle loving mayor does not have to drive through that intersection on his daily commute.

Harold Watson

Oak Bay

Oak Bay News