Letter: Robsons have always been good neighbours

Kudos to Dean Cousins for speaking up for Gord and Mary Robson and Heather Hills golf course. (The News, March 12).

Editor, The News:

Kudos to Dean Cousins for speaking up for Gord and Mary Robson and Heather Hills golf course. (The News, March 12).

I am not a close friend of the Robsons.

Nor am I a political person.

I just like the Robsons. There, I’ve said it.

I remember serving Gord and Mary and Bill Hartley pints at the old Billy Miner in the late 1980s and there was no shortage of lively political discussion.

When I worked with the chamber of commerce, Mary brought in their sons to volunteer for litter pickup in their neighbourhood under the Adopt A Block program.  I saw both Mary and Gord at countless functions supporting various causes.

I have spent years walking dogs and riding horses around their property and I know they make great neighbours. People were always polite, friendly and enjoying a beautiful setting.  I doubt if many other golf courses would be so friendly to horseback riders and/or dog walkers in their area.

To me it seems like Gord is still paying for suing the District of Maple Ridge himself once upon a time.

The idea of the Robsons selling and moving because of this makes me really sad because to me, the Robsons are a huge part of the culture in Maple Ridge.

Love him or hate him … Maple Ridge wouldn’t be Maple Ridge without Gord Robson.

I  hope you change your mind and don’t move.

Lynn Blatta

Pitt Meadows

Maple Ridge News