LETTER: Rule signs needed in parks

Some things that bother Sooke residents using the town parks are irresponsible people who don't pick up their dog feces or don't follow the park bylaws, for example, using the parks after sunset.


Some things that bother Sooke residents using the town parks are irresponsible people who don’t pick up their dog feces or don’t follow the park bylaws, for example, using the parks after sunset.

I don’t think many people bother to acquaint themselves with the park bylaws or even suspect that such exist. Though they’re mainly common sense, I think it would be useful to have the main ones in a short format and large print on the poster display at the entrance to John Phillips Park near Municipal Hall.


It could also be useful to have some signs like “stoop and scoop” plus “penalty $120” installed in some places.

The city provides dog poopy bags, which would assume enough for dog owners to do their duty. And most do. But some don’t. As one guy told me when I mentioned that he didn’t pick up, “I pay taxes, so my dogs can crap anywhere.” A “stoop and scoop” sign would help here.

Another problem is those homeless living in the shelter.

I am sure those living in the shelter don’t know and don’t care about park rules, but maybe their caregivers might explain it to them.

Nina Leshinskaya


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