
LETTER: Run for the cure on Oct. 3

From the CIBC Run for the Cure team, Canadian Cancer Society

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure bringing hope to Nelson residents affected by breast cancer. For 30 years, we have inspired and united a collective of Canadians nationwide dedicated to changing the future of breast cancer.

While we celebrate this incredible milestone and look back on three decades of progress, there is still so much work to be done. Every day, an estimated 75 Canadians are diagnosed with breast cancer. Now more than ever, Canadians affected by breast cancer need our support.

That’s why on Sunday, Oct. 3 at 8 a.m., we’re calling on Nelson residents of all ages to join us virtually for the 30th annual CIBC Run for the Cure and help us ensure no Canadian faces breast cancer alone. Our live-streamed opening ceremonies will feature an energizing warm-up, performances by iconic Canadian artists and inspirational stories from Canadians living with and beyond breast cancer.

Funds raised from the event are directly invested into groundbreaking breast cancer research, advocacy work and a national support system that makes a difference in the lives of Canadians with breast cancer.

Register for or donate to the CIBC Run for the Cure at cibcrunforthecure.com.

CIBC Run for the Cure team

Canadian Cancer Society

Nelson Star