LETTER: Sad to hear Terry Fox run cancelled

Rally together and make the Terry Fox Run happen in 2014

It was with great sadness and disappointment that I heard the Terry Fox Run was cancelled in Abbotsford due to a lack of volunteers.

For the past 14 years, I, along with about 100 other people, have participated in the Terry Fox Run to honor those who have battled cancer and to raise money for cancer research.

Terry Fox is not only a great Canadian hero, but he was a B.C. boy, and his parents were locals, living right here in Abbotsford. Thirty-three years ago, he was one of the first to conceive of a Run-The Marathon of Hope-to raise money for cancer research.

Many other organizations have imitated this idea to raise money for their own causes, which possibly has led to “volunteer-fatigue” for the Terry Fox Run.

It was Terry Fox’ dream to raise enough money to find a cure for cancer.  He said “Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going without me”.

Please don’t let Terry’s dream die here in Abbotsford. Let’s rally together and make the Terry Fox Run happen in 2014. You CAN make a difference!Let’s keep Terry’s dream alive and help find a cure for cancer.

Linda Groot



Abbotsford News