Letter: Safety must be built in to codes

I can tell you that the (building) codes in Kelowna, and for that matter B.C., are sorely lacking.

To the editor:

Re: Apartment fires due to barbecues.

Having been a sprinkler engineer in Ontario for several years and designed many, many systems for various occupancies.

I can tell you that the codes in Kelowna, and for that matter B.C., are sorely lacking.

In the city of Toronto barbecues are not allowed in apartment buildings even if they are of concrete and steel, which is what they all are as wood frame is not allowed.

Allowing frame construction over three floors is not wise and now they have allowed four and are talking of six to 10 which is really asking for trouble as our fire departments do not have the equipment, I don’t believe, to properly fight fires in them safely.

Also, every commercial building, even if one storey, should have to have a sprinkler system—if not we are going to pay for it with loss of life and property and higher insurance.

Len Jupp,



Kelowna Capital News