LETTER: Salvation Army Christmas donations need a boost

Major Robin Borrows says donations are down this year.

LETTER: Salvation Army Christmas donations need a boost

The Salvation Army 2016 Christmas Kettle Drive has less than two weeks to go and has currently only reached 50 per cent of the targeted goal.

Funds raised at this time of year are used to supply about 300 Christmas hampers to families and individuals. Funds raised are also needed to ensure the various feeding programs of The Salvation Army continue to operate. These programs include the Food Bank, over 1500 free hot and nutritious meals and the School Lunch Program. There are over 1100 local individuals, of every age group, who rely on The Salvation Army each month for some kind of food assistance.

The Salvation Army relies on the generosity of donors to help those in our community who need it the most. Tax deductible donations may be dropped off at 601 Vernon St, mailed, or put in one of the red kettles on Baker St and at the Chahko Mika Mall.

All donations received in Nelson stay here to help all those in need without discrimination.

Major Robin Borrows

Salvation Army



Nelson Star