Letter: Scary incident serves as reminder to secure pets properly in your vehicle

Editor: This is an open letter to the owner of a little beige-taupe pit bull that flew out of a black pickup on Sunday, May 29, in front of the Home Depot store at 200 Street and 66 Avenue.

I am the person who honked, stopped and told you where the 24-hour emergency vet was.

I am not the person who swore and yelled at you for not having your dog secured (yet you fired back at me, yelling and swearing) just so you know.

It was obvious your poor dog had a broken leg and who knows what other injuries. I sure hope it’s going to be all right.

I will never forget this whole incident — witnessing your dog flying out of your truck, landing hard on the pavement, hobbling to the grass and the hurt and scared look on its face, with all the commotion going on.

Thank goodness there was a police officer right behind you to stop traffic.

Let this be a reminder to anyone reading this who owns a pet — yes, they need to be secured in your vehicle while you drive. Watch your speed (especially going around corners) and always be aware of them, as you would a child. Hope all ends well for your dog.

L.S. Tailleur,


Langley Times