LETTER: School buses have no cameras

I really want to see cameras installed on to all buses, especially the ones in the country...

Recently my children were nearly hit by a vehicle passing their school bus when they were going to cross the street. If it wasn’t for my son grabbing his sister and the student yelling stop I fear the worst may of happened.

I found out in this modern day our school buses have no cameras. I really want to see cameras installed on to all buses, especially the ones in the country since I think it may happen more or get overlooked there. I spoke to my kids’ bus driver and she says it happens frequently. Sure enough, with the lights still on when I spoke to her, a driver pulls out of the parking lot and cuts off the bus. I tried to catch her plate and failed.

Agencies such as the police, ICBC and the school district should try to find a way to get the funds to install cameras on the buses before one of our precious children is killed or injured by one of these drivers.

Perhaps ICBC could take some of the fines from drivers ticketed speeding in school zones and passing buses.

Kim Hay

Abbotsford News