To the editor:
Last week in Kelowna my grandchildren were attending the last day of school before holidays and celebrations began. Not for a minute did they worry that their school might be taken over by a violent militia, that they might be kidnapped, or that their whole school might be obliterated in a bloody massacre.
But this is what other children around the world face as they fight for their right to an education.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has rightfully deplored the latest atrocity in Peshawar and has said that he stands by the people of Pakistan.
Actions are more important than words. Canada must stand up for the children of Pakistan and children in all countries where school is not a safe place. We can do this by pledging a minimum of $120 million to the Global Partnership for Education which supports children in developing countries to go to school and get a safe education.
In honor of all those students in Pakistan who died or were injured, the Nigerian students who were kidnapped and have yet to be found, and all children unable to go to school, let’s do something to change this.
Sharon Swanson,