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LETTER: School tax rate increased significantly

Business property tax bill rose because of higher school tax amount

Dear Editor:

With regard to your article on municipal taxes, I wish to enlighten the Summerland Review on what the provincial government has done with the school tax levies for small business.

In 2020, the rate levied for school taxes was 1.107 and in 2021 the new rate has been increased more than 300 per cent to 3.86. In my own business this has equated to a 23 per cent increase in my overall property taxes.

READ ALSO: Summerland residents can expect a $23 property tax hike for 2021

READ ALSO: Summerland taxes expected to rise by 1.65%

My personal residence school levies did not go down so what is the government doing with all the extra money it is collecting from businesses through taxation? Is this due to mismanagement at the school district level or at the provincial level?

Also, why was the business community not informed of this before the tax notices were distributed and when were the municipal staff and council aware of this increase and why did they not fight it?

READ ALSO: Summerland municipal staff report abuse over tax and utility changes

The small businesses in our community needed support from our elected officials as so many have suffered during this past year. Instead the business community has been blindsided without even a thought or consideration.

Ken Sewell

Summerland Timber Mart


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