LETTER; School trustees need to explore solutions

I’m not so sure the current trustees of SD 67 have been all that effective in their role.

Dear Editor:

The 2014 guide for trustee candidates, published by the BC School Trustees Association, states that the role of a trustee is to ensure the community’s priorities are represented in public education.

In my own assessment, I’m not so sure the current trustees of SD 67 have been all that effective in their role in relation to the community’s priority to keep Trout Creek and West Bench elementary schools open.

The trustees seem to be disinterested in exploring innovative solutions and I think it is fair to say there is widespread lack of confidence in their decision making process.

Recently, trustees have wasted time debating the value of a third-party review of the school closure decision and the validity of MLA Ashton’s offer to fund the review.

Now they want a guarantee in writing from the minister.

What will they ask for next – for the premier to verify the authenticity of the minister’s signature?

The cumulative effect of the trustees’ actions has placed unnecessary stress on students, parents and educators.

My advice for the trustees is to take a deep breath, slow down, rescind the decision to close schools for one year and work with the community and the province to explore and evaluate those innovative solutions.

If the trustees decide to stay-the course, I remind the public that the decision to close the schools is not permanent – the next municipal election is in 2018.

I intend to consider the candidates for school trustees much more seriously than I have in the past.

Doug Wahl



Summerland Review