LETTER: Seems Creep Catcher Surrey is much more effective than RCMP

The fact that Creep Catcher Surrey’s work has led to the arrest of a police officer must really irritate and humiliate our local police.

The Editor,

Re: “‘Huge’ support buoys Creep Catcher,” the Now, Sept. 15.

Creep Catcher Surrey reminds me of the days when Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angels patrolled New York City.

The New York Police Department publicly discouraged their “vigilantism” and distanced themselves from the Guardian Angels, publicly labelling them as hooligans and reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

In other words, the vigilante groups were doing a much better job of policing than the police, who were feeling threatened.

If Creep Catcher Surrey saves even one child or youth from becoming entangled in a predator’s clutches, more power to them.

The fact that Creep Catcher Surrey’s work has led to the arrest of a police officer must really irritate and humiliate our local police.

My vote goes to Creep Catcher Surrey.

Michelle Fee, Surrey

Surrey Now