LETTER: Self-proclaimed bigot admits to not wanting homeless in his neighbourhood

LETTER: Self-proclaimed bigot admits to not wanting homeless in his neighbourhood

George Blachuras wrote a letter last week, and is now responding to one of his "fans."

Dear Editor,

I think a reply is needed to this writer.

[Tammy Moss reacted to a letter from George Blachuras of Langley (Langley’s proposed social housing project misses mark, June 7 Letters online, Langley Advance).]

Noticed a couple of them saying us who we oppose the homeless project ,are bigots and “the worst!”

Well, I will like to tell them who is the worst.

People who will go and steal everything from the community garden, twice.

People who will go to emergency all cranked up on some drug – biting, swearing, scratching, and making the life miserable for the nurses who are there to help them. Witnessed that myself, I don’t know how this nurses can function in a hell like this.

People who will put drug addicts in a seniors residence, trying to open the doors in the middle of the night. Could you possibly imagine what that elder felt – the fear? And they turn around to blame the seniors for complaining too much. Shame!

The “homeless” woman who defecated in the Tim Hortons Langley and threw feces at the young person working behind the counter. Of course, according to a homeless advocate, it is society at fault. Now could you imagine how would you feel if it was you or your child at the receiving end of that.

People who will go and strip power wires, with complete disregard for others safety.

The woman that pushed the 88-year-old lady to rob her, right here in Langley. Later the poor woman died, the perpetrator free.

Politicians who will promise to end homelessness.just for your vote.

Homelessness Unsolved…

Politicians who are too lazy to do anything, but through close to $400 million every year in the Downtown Eastside.

Problem solved?

Do you remember Portland Housing Society? The scandal? Don’t worry Mr. Townsend and his partner are saving New York now.

People who pretend to help the drug addicts. Enabling someone to do harm to themselves is not help. The centre for disease control doctors wants to give them FREE clean drugs. A doctor who took the Hippocratic oath to not give something that causes harm.

Well for some in the medical profession it is the hypocrites oath.

Next it would be free “medical” weed, very smart to change the term from recreational to medical.Could you imagine how many would be cured if it came only as a suppository XXXLarge only? Instant!

Well do you want your homeless shelter? You can have it.

Put in security, no drugs, have a training program for re-introduction to society. And most of all, take responsibility for their actions.

You see Tammy, I am a bigot and the “worst” for wanting to live in a neighbourhood clean of all this.

You wouldn’t want a neighbour like me. Maybe you could adopt a homeless (person)… your neighbours will love you.

But I am not holding my breath.

Well this is my list of worst – shortened.

Not a beautiful world we live in.

George Blachuras, Langley

Langley Advance