Letter: Senate an example of mess we’re leaving kids

When will the voters of Canada have had enough of this and turf all this mess in the landfill?

To the editor:

Regarding the smell from the east—Ottawa—the smell of stale senators stealing our tax dollars

There has been much in the news lately regarding how much all the senators cost the tax payers of Canada. It is a large amount—equal to a new state of the art hospital—each year we keep feeding the fat cats who are appointed by a dictator prime minister, yes the one who promised senate reform or abolishment then he appoints another 58 fat pigs to eat at the tax payer trough.

When will the voters of Canada have had enough of this and turf all this mess in the landfill? The senators have the balls to “self examine” their own senators who may “seem” to have crossed the magic line—and were caught up padding or stealing from the trough.

It would almost seem comical if it did not cost us so much money—comedy is good for the health. All this waste just keeps pilling up in our national debt and no one cares..

The senators and their $90,000 payment from the right hand man in the PMO is difficult to explain to the average Canadian who earns much less for a whole year of work.

I will just write Little Mike a cheque for $90,000 to get him off the hook—the media may be looking in the window to see all this slime going across the desk—we can’t have that happen.

So, with a provincial election in B.C. we had a tough time to have 52 per cent of eligible voters turn out to select a new government. Is this the new Canadian—“I just don’t give a damn!?”

Sad time isn’t it. Please don’t leave this mess for our children to clean up.

Jorgen Hansen,



Kelowna Capital News