The Quesnel Seniors’ Centre has hosted flu clinics throughout its history. (Cassidy Dankochik Photo - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

LETTER: Seniors’ Centre president calls for vaccine clinic

Doug Service says the clinic should be hosted at the centre, not Arena 2

It was with great interest I read (The Observer’s) on-line article quoting the City of Quesnel’s Director of Community Services. (Arena 2 could host vaccine clinic: page 2) The work of Northern Health to set up a much needed Covid-19 Vaccination clinic is certainly appreciated. Our seniors and front-line workers will be most appreciative of the opportunity to receive their vaccinations.

READ MORE: Arena 2 could host Quesnel’s mass vaccination clinic

However, I am writing to express my dismay that the clinic will be held on the “leisure patch at Arena 2”! The Quesnel Seniors’ Centre has hosted the annual flu clinics for most of its 27 years and over this time we have willingly provided volunteers to assist Northern Health staff by setting up, greeting, handing out information, pacing visitors and cleaning up. As well, our members forfeited their use of the Centre and gave up any possible income that might have been earned while the hall was in use. As recent as last fall, we donated ten days to enable Community Health Services to administer flu vaccines to seniors and the community. A dozen of our members volunteered and worked over 200 hours during Covid-19 to assist this clinic.

I had a brief discussion with Community Health Services a couple of months ago regarding the availability of the Centre for Covid-19 vaccinations. Imagine our surprise that after donating our hall for years, Northern Health will pay the city to host the mass-vaccinations in Arena 2.

As it appears that the final decision has been made to hold the vaccinations in the arena, the lack of consideration by Northern Health towards the Quesnel Seniors’ Centre members is concerning and disappointing.

That a Society that has provided needed services to this community for years and requires rental income to provide those services, should be overlooked is sad.

Doug Service, President,

Quesnel & District Seniors’ Society

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer