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Send your letter to the editor via email to Please included your first and last name, address, and phone number.

LETTER: Seniors challenge fellow pensioners to give $300 to charity

For those with a nice nest egg, one Langley couple suggests seniors give COVID money to a good cause

Dear Editor,

I offer a challenge to some of our fellow pensioners.

We have been lucky between the OAS, CPP, a small workplace pension and careful living.

We are quite satisfied financially with our life. We even manage to save a few dollars most months.

I understand that fortune has not smiled on all and many really need the moneys that the federal government is giving to all pensioners this week.

READ MORE: Seniors to receive up to $500 in promised COVID-19 emergency aid in early July

I am speaking to those pensioners who, like us, are satisfied with their financial position, and like us, not in need the money.

We think our bank account is fat enough.

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There are many organizations that need money far more than we do.

We personally support Covenant House, Children’s cancer, as well as local food banks.

I challenge you: Pick your favourite charity. Do the Canadian thing and give your $300 away.

Paul and Carol Rogers, Langley


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Langley Advance Times