
Letter: Sewage infrastructure needed

Solutions must also include septage-pumping facilities at North Cowichan's marinas

Sewage infrastructure needed

Dear mayor and council:

I strongly support Coun. Christopher Justice’s tabled motion to explore solutions for North Cowichan’s growing septic-system crisis.

Justice’s concerns appear in the Sept. 2, 2021 Cowichan Citizen.

Given historic, continued fecal and nutrient loading of our lakes, streams and oceans, it’s time for council to work with Island Health about ways of economically pumping septic tanks, plus eco-safe means of disposing of our rising septage volumes.

Proof is seen in Quamichan Lake’s toxic blue-green algae, fed in part by septic tanks and a farm ringing our sick lake.

Similar worries appear in Somenos Lake, Cowichan and Chemainus rivers, and during Maple Bay’s high coliform counts this summer.

Solutions must also include septage-pumping facilities at North Cowichan’s marinas.

Indeed, council must strictly control growth and mandate more municipal sewage collection. Plus, more areas using septic tanks must be hooked — where possible — to our aging sewage-treatment facility.

In fact, another facility is likely needed now to augment that of our JUB lagoons.

Part of North Cowichan’s sewage solution must come from innovative, affordable technology to treat and dispose of our liquid waste.

I look forward to Island Health’s reply to council’s request for partnering in a report addressing our quiet sewage crisis.

Peter W. Rusland

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen