

LETTER: Shame on Premier Horgan

From reader Lisa Bramson

There is no reason why Mr. Horgan called this snap election other than a grab for political gain, trying for a majority government. And to ignore the advice of provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, who urged him not to call an election during the pandemic, is unconscionable. By doing so, Horgan is putting countless British Columbians at risk, with increased contact as part of preparing for and administering an election.

If that isn’t enough, his explanation of why a snap election is necessary simply isn’t true. His claim of “partisan acrimony” causing an unstable government is a weak excuse. Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau met with Horgan before his decision and made it clear that the Green caucus was committed to keeping the government stable during the pandemic.

She also gave Horgan a list of policy areas that she says the Greens hoped to work on in collaboration with the NDP. To top all that, the Confidence and Supply Agreement between the Greens and NDP stated that the Premier wouldn’t call an election till the end of term (2021). The government amended the Constitution to extend the term to a fixed date election. The agreement stated that an election could be called if confidence in the government is lost. But this did not occur. So ask yourself why this election was called at this time, and if it is in the best interests and safety of British Columbians.

Lisa Bramson

Nelson North Shore

Nelson Star