
LETTER – Short-term and long-term solutions offered for Lazo Road safety issues

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Re: It’s time to put paved shoulders on Knight Road and Lazo Road in Comox (Set. 23 letter)

I ride a bicycle, totally powered by me. I also run. I also drive. Because of where I live, many times I am on Lazo and Knight Roads.

Short-term solutions, with regards to the existing condition of the two roads, would involve courtesy and law-abiding behaviour, by all users of the road.

The safest direction to bike the roads is clockwise, and then one is making right turns at intersections and going downhill at the Georgia Strait end of Knight Road. Use a safe distance from the edge of the road, 0.5 metres minimum, and be predictable. Do not invite vehicles to pass, especially in dangerous circumstances and, if necessary, deter passing when dangerous. Own the road.

Vehicles, pass only when safe to do so. Pretend other traffic is as wide as a vehicle, and give them the same respect. Most traffic is probably going to the farm stand or the beautiful ocean vista of Georgia Strait. Slow down. Enjoy the drive.

Long-term solutions include dropping the speed limit and enforcement of same. The existing asphalt on Knight could be upgraded, and possibly add shoulders. A negative impact of shoulders is that vehicle speed increases. No additional pavement should be put on Lazo Road, near Georgia Strait. Drop the speed limit, possibly to that of a park, and/or give bicycles priority as has been done on Beaufort Avenue in Comox.

Lazo/Point Holmes is an environmental treasure. It should never have been developed with housing and roads but now that it has, any future impact to the area should be minimized. Here I quote Joni Mitchell with, “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” Is that what the public really wants to do?

Judy Morrison,


Comox Valley Record