Letter: Shouldn’t policy makers know their subject?

Shouldn't those administering education know something about teaching before being given responsibility for its governance?

To the editor:

B.C Education Minister Fassbender & Company ought to stop wasting taxpayers’ dollars appealing court decisions (already pointing out he hasn’t been bargaining in good faith with teachers) and put that money towards a properly bargained agreement with them instead.

When “The People” must continue to go to the courts to achieve good governance, then perhaps it’s time to get a new government, eh?!

Incidentally , what are the background education credentials of Mr. Fassbender and all his education-Ministry-peeps who continually try to direct education as though they were trained educators?  DO they have credible education and experience to speak to classroom sizes and composition like teachers do?

Just as those making policy decisions in the health ministry ought to have some medical background, shouldn’t those administering education know something about teaching before being given responsibility for its governance?

Lastly, since research indicates reduced class sizes is related to reduced delinquency among students, then it follows that maintaining reduced class sizes would control bullying.

So, given B.C Premier Christy Clark’s penchant for the anti-bullying ‘Pink Shirt’ campaign, then perhaps there’ll be support for public school teachers’ repeated calls for control over classroom size after all. You know, the kind of discretion educators at private schools enjoy, unhindered by government policy wonks.

Liz Stonard,

Port Alberni


Kelowna Capital News