LETTER: Show a little sympathy

Families of hospital patients don't need parking stress

I am writing this letter in support of Frank Wirrell and his letter in the March 13 paper on hospital parking.

I too don’t think we should pay for parking. My husband spent the last five weeks of his life in the Abbotsford hospital and having to worry about parking was one stress I didn’t need.

I visited my husband in the mornings, before work, at lunchtime and after work.  I didn’t pay long-term because we had no idea which day he would come home, hoping for the best. I also stood and watched as people, seniors included, struggled to have the right change.

How a company is allowed to take your money and not give change seems like robbery to me. And to make maters worse, during my husband’s last yea,r we had to make many visits to the emergency.  Most people don’t know, but you pay more to park at emergency. Rush to the hospital with a very sick family member and they charge you more!

Should we have to chase our politicians to get something done”? No! These people are paid by our taxes. We hope they are looking out for our best interest but, sadly, they disappoint us time and time again.

Don’t even get me started on the cost of renting a TV for patients. I paid over $300 for four weeks. Sure, they have by the month but not knowing how long you will be there makes that unrealistic. This is price gouging at it worst.

The Abbotsford hospital staff are wonderful. They made my husband’s last five weeks the best it could be. Thanks to each and every one of them. But please, let’s show a little sympathy and make life easier for those families that are stressed enough without having to feel taken advantage of at the same time.


Pat Thomas


Abbotsford News