Letter: Shuswap MLA should reflect on past before criticizing project costs

Letter: Shuswap MLA should reflect on past before criticizing project costs

Letter-writer thinks the pot is calling the kettle black

To quote MLA Greg Kyllo, “The unnecessary increased project costs imposed by the current government would be better invested in schools, hospitals or advancing much-needed twinning of the Trans Canada Highway.”

How ironic. We all remember the time, effort and stress that parents went through trying to prevent Silver Creek School from shutting down.

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We remember his party’s disdain for public education and for teachers and support staff.

We remember the disdain for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.

Also, Mr. Kyllo, your party had many years to work on twinning the Trans Canada. It wasn’t done. Pot calling the kettle black.

Nadine Erickson

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