Letter: Side-swiped in West Kelowna

There are far too many people in this world today who are unwilling to be accountable for their behaviours…

To the editor:

This letter is directed to the individual—and others like him or her—who side -wiped my vehicle in the Orchard Park Mall parking lot between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 13 and who did not have the decency to leave me a note taking responsibility for their actions.

There are far too many people in this world today who are unwilling to be accountable for their behaviours and indiscretions at the expense of others. This incident will not only be an inconvenience and a time waster for me, but  will cost me—who is totally innocent in this case— and the insurance company—and ultimately all insurance premium payers—money.

Come on people, step up and take responsibility for your actions. You will feel better for having done so.

Brian Davis, West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News