LETTER: Site C dam will create an environmental mess

Re: Site C offers solution to future power needs (Letters, Aug. 3)


Re: Site C offers solution to future power needs (Letters, Aug. 3)

We will we lose thousands of acres of farm land, some of the best in B.C. with construction of the Site C dam.

I guess the letter-writer never heard of geothermal power. It’s free heat. Lots of country’s use it, even Iceland. Natural gas is so cheap B.C. can’t even sell it at a loss. It can be used to make electricity.

And what about the mess the Site C dam will create?

The mess from the Williston Lake dam is still being cleaned up after 45 years. The same for the Alcan dam near Kitimat.

The shoreline is so full of floating debris from logging, you can’t even get to the shore. I know: I hunted it and lived near there for 35 years.

When they were clearing the land at Williston Lake in 1965 with two big steel balls to smash all the bush, etc., the debris floated up once the lake was formed. Thousands of moose died at the Lake for all the mess on the shoreline

So, now you’ve heard it from the horse’s mouth

Gordon Stewart



Sooke News Mirror