Letter: Site C figures not correct

Letter: Site C figures not correct

Kelowna letter-writer raises questions about the Site C dam project

To the editor:

In Mr. Miles letter of January 19, 2018 I believe he erred in using the figure of 5,000 acres that would be flooded.

In actual fact the amount to be flooded is 5,304 hectares (13,106 acres). This is the amount of land removed from the ALR by the Liberals in April 2015 using an Order-in-Council. Included in this amount is 3,433 hectares (8,482 acres) of 1 and 3 class land. The reservoir created by the dam is estimated to be 107 km in length including any tributaries.

The cost of Site-C has increased from $8.8 billion to an estimated $10.7 billion. In 2016 it was already $314 million over budget and there is still six years until completion.

A question that someone may be able to answer is do the above amounts include getting the power to the grid and any improvements to the grid?

Allan Farrar, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News