Letter: Skaha Park is perfect as is

The Penticton park should be left as a park for which it was originally intended.

Are you kidding me city hall?

This new smoke screen agreement still leases out the park less the splashpad. Section A of the ha, ha enhanced lease clearly shows the same section of Skaha Park being leased less the splashpad. What part of no loss of greenspace and leave our park alone don’t you understand? Ahhh, right, you don’t read the newspapers and have no idea what is going on in your city, I forgot.

I am extremely curious as to why senior staff, mayor and council are still full speed ahead with such public disapproval of leasing parkland and from a company. Part of the agreement is waiving the $38,601 rent and taxes for 2016.

This is November and this has still not been paid by Trio? What would the city do if your property taxes were $38,601 in arrears?

No city on this planet is this dumb to continue/pursue with a business that cannot even pay current obligations. Are they assuming they will find investors for this projects? And, speaking of finances, how much in wages and expenses has the city of Penticton spent on this new lease? How much on legal fees to date? How can the public obtain this information? Which senior staff is responsible for these leases against public wishes? And why don’t we just pay Trio off for which the mayor quoted as $200,000 and put an end to all this? Bam. Done. No deal.

The park would be left as a park for which it was originally intended.

Put the marina property/building to tender to find someone who can prove immediately they have the capital to finance the marina only project. No concessions, no park, no beach, just marina property only. This would also ensure the boat launch would still be available.

This is what the public expected, not another sell-out. There will not be community peace and  a beautiful park as is in this community if the deal involves Trio Marine as they have no respect to leave the park as it was originally intended.

Sorry Bob the Builder, Skaha Park does not need a facelift, it is already perfect.

Clifford Martin





Penticton Western News