LETTER: Slates create gang mentality


Re: Think for yourselves, Oct. 14 letters.


Re: Think for yourselves, Oct. 14 letters.

I wholeheartedly agree with letter-writer Grant Harrison with regard to the civic slate.

I too will not be voting for anyone who wants to run as a “team” of “independent” thinkers. Is that an oxymoron?

I feel slates are very undemocratic, with the potential of creating bullies on council. The ‘gang’ can pretty much call the shots if votes don’t go their way.

I have always voted for incumbent Grant Meyer, however, in light of his decision to run as a team, he has just lost my vote.

Good luck to all the real independent thinkers, and I will be considering you very carefully.

Darlene McDermott, White Rock



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