LETTER: SNC one more in a long list of federal scandals

LETTER: SNC one more in a long list of federal scandals



They never learn, do they?

Time and again, blind arrogance and an insatiable need for power has claimed the careers and reputations of prime ministers since the days of Sir John A. Macdonald.

In recent years, we’ve seen the demise of the Jean Chretien/Paul Martin Liberals (sponsorship scandal), Conservative PM Stephen Harper (Mike Duffy senate scandal) and now we have the ongoing cover-up of the SNC Lavalin scandal (Lavscam), courtesy of Mr. Sunny Ways himself.

Trudeau, by far, is the biggest disappointment of them all. If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, Trudeau’s Real Change campaign of 2015 is confirmed an official hoax.

Like scandals past, the truth is always plain to see – especially this one. Trudeau’s goon-squad testimony of privy council clerk Michael Wernick and fall guy, principal secretary Gerald Butts, pales in comparison to the very believable and powerfully detailed testimony of recently axed justice minister and attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould.

Of course, there’s much more of this tale to be told, but team Trudeau is doing everything in their power to prevent further testimony from Wilson-Raybould in front of the Liberal-controlled justice committee. Hardly the actions of a party with nothing to hide, and hardly the actions of a leader that promised us real change and transparency.

It’s too bad “Sunny Ways” turned out to be just another arrogant, self-serving politician, spiralling towards self-destruction.

Trudeau missed a great opportunity to be the real change he promised, and the real change we deserved. If you want your say, contact MP Gordie Hogg’s office and let them know that Canadians deserve to know the entire truth in this unseemly matter.

Democracy is counting on us.

John Freeman, White Rock

Peace Arch News