Letter: Snow clearing left lots to be desired

So far it has been over 100 hours for my street. Hmm, what if we are that late with our taxes?

To the editor:

The purpose of this letter is not only to point out City of Kelowna’s negligence when it comes to dealing with snow removal, but to show that the city’s mayor and councillors are only interested in furthering their own needs.

We, the generous taxpayers, shell out huge amounts of money to the city every year (my own taxes have gone up 29 per cent in the past four years) for the management of the city with the expectation that the elected councillors and mayor will represent what the majority wants. We expect them to be fair and use common sense.

I have phoned twice and visited city hall and the city yard works to get some action on having my road cleared of snow with no results as of the writing of this letter (meanwhile it is snowing heavily again).

The cul-de-sacs are supposed to be plowed within 48 hours of a snowfall. So far it has been over 100 hours for my street. Hmm, what if we are that late with our taxes?

My road is so bad (how bad is it?) that I haven’t been able to get in or out of my driveway since Feb. 4 when some city worker mindlessly plowed the walkway (beside my property) diagonally across my driveway and out into the road in front of my driveway.

What is it called when money is taken for a purpose and not used for that purpose robbery? What is it called when promises are made and not followed through on lies? What is it called when the elected officials don’t follow through on democracy dictatorship? There you have it. Our elected city council.

Lisa Broughton, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News