(THE NEWS/files)Maple Ridge Coun. Gordy Robson opposes city-run collection of garbage.

(THE NEWS/files)Maple Ridge Coun. Gordy Robson opposes city-run collection of garbage.

Letter: ‘So ready for municipally managed garbage pick-up’

'It's long overdue'

Editor, The News:

Re: City-run garbage and green waste plebiscite coming.

Voters are expected to vote on a plebiscite for municipal garbage pick-up that will be included with the municipal council candidates in October.

There seems to be several questions all rolled up into one and the public is expected to give one answer:

• do you want municipal garbage pick-up;

• are you willing to pay extra money for such service;

• do you want kitchen scraps and green waste pick-up included in this service;

• how frequently for green waste pick-up”? Once a week? Every second week;

• how frequently for garbage pick-up, once a week or every second week?

I am requesting that the questions are broken down as outlined above, as there is too much information for one blanket answer.

As suggested by council, garbage pick-up once every two weeks is way too long between services. In warm weather, maggots start to form and spread all over the containers after a few days, let alone the stench of rotting garbage.

More of an attraction for wild life.

Garbage pick-up should be at least once a week at minimum. Get rid of it.

I am so ready for municipally managed garbage pick-up, which is long overdue, and will cut down on the six different companies that are rattling down my street for garbage pick-up now.

Hats off to a few key people on council who have been persistent in bringing this issue forward. Happy to see that Maple Ridge is finally picking up some stream and moving forward on this.

Claudia Finamore

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News