LETTER: Solar power has many benefits

Sooke district council should do the right thing.


Sooke district council should do the right thing.

At a recent council, councillors discussed building permits. Once permit conditions are met council cannot stop the developer from building – even though councillors may want additions to the plan like rainwater capture, solar panels and electric chargers. These are only voluntary for the developer as they are not part of the development permit requirements.

The answer seems simple: Make them requirements. The price goes up, but over time it pays off.

Case in point: Our neighbour complained that using their heat pump for two months to provide air conditioning resulted in a hydro bill of more than $900. In the same period, with our solar panels last year, we paid just over $13. In 20 years in that one to two month period, they will pay over $18,000, and we will pay about $250.

Explain to me how requiring solar power for new developments should be voluntary when such long-term benefits are easily calculated?

Chris Moss


editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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