Letter: Some residents misguided

Area C Director Grace McGregor showed professional tolerance in responding to the hostile misguided members of the community.

I wish to make a statement to Grace [McGregor] and the board commending her for the tolerance she displayed during the meetings held in the community hall Feb. 8 and 9.

I particularly want to say that Grace, during the meeting with the community on the senior’s housing, she showed professional tolerance in responding to the hostile misguided members of the community who continued to repeat themselves and did not listen to explanations as presented.

It comes to me that we have a segment of people at Christina Lake that wish to become very negative to a possibility of growth or improvement but do not investigate the truth. In making this statement I have made it my choice to always seek out all the information before making statements without going the nine miles to know the full story.

This is my personal description with seeing and hearing letters being written to the newspapers, MLA, RDKB and our most worthy director and chairperson for the region.

– Lucie Ackles, Christina Lake


Grand Forks Gazette