Black Press files

Black Press files

LETTER: Some residents still fighting Smart meters

Some Similkameen residents not allowing Fortis to install smart meters because of safety concerns

To the Editor:

Attended a meeting this morning regarding clarity for Lower Similkameen Band members on the issues of safety and privacy surrounding the Smart Meter Fortis is using to replace the analogue meter.

This first nations group who took the time to question Fortis on the privacy and safety of these meters is very concerned about negative effects from this equipment to family members especially children.

Further to negative results that have been identified by independents The SMART in this meter is supposed to operate for only short periods to collect information on power consumption’s through the meter but is said to have the capability of communicating with appliances in your homes which is suspect of eves dropping on our personal and private space. Was told by Fortis rep that meter can also turn our electrical power off and on from a remote location.

Fortis has decided that even though there has been multiple experiments that proved negatives compared to the analogue meter, and serious failures of this particular meter, they will continue to push forward with meter changes on the basis that the meter is in compliance security codes implying that safety and privacy have nothing to do with it.

Over the past three years my involvement and research has provided me with valuable information on these meters. This caused me to write a letter to Fortis asking them to confirm in writing that Fortis will stand behind these meter changes with assurance of compensation for any safety, medical or privacy issues that will most likely be forth coming. Fortis flatly declined this request with no explanation for why they are afraid to respond in writing to my letter sent December 2015.

Fortis verbally denies that the meter may be unsafe, but declines to provide compensation for negative results that might occur as a result of installing them on our homes, it has been implied that any failure issue would be solely the manufacturers responsibility.

I compare this response to me purchasing of a weapon, accidentally killing someone with it, then laying the blame on the guy who sold it to me?

In questions to Fortis about others in our community who feel unsafe with this meter change, they say there are none known to them again implying that we are just disgruntled people with no justification for questioning how they do business. I am aware of many in this very area who are holding out on meter changes, and am told that the Okanagan Valley houses a large number who oppose.

Folks I assure you that this is no laughing matter, if you have doubt about what I have said, please pull up , or and form your own opinion on smart meters.

This will be a couple hours of your time that you will be glad you used to obtain plain and simple info that we can all understand.


Darryl Brewer

Keremeos Review