

LETTER: Soup and a sandwich for Thanksgiving

From reader Suzzanne Chappell

I wish you a happy Thanksgiving on this day. It is with angry regret I tell you I am in an overflow shelter in Nelson and all we had to eat today is a a cup of soup and a sandwich for all day! I was expecting some kind of turkey dinner, but no.

We cannot cook here. They took away even a man’s hot plate and toasters and we are not allowed even to barbeque outdoors.

The government forks over $4,500 a month for us and they can’t even provide a decent Thanksgiving dinner.

You need to rethink how this COVID care for people should go, starting with accommodating real basic and subsequent needs. I have sent several letters to various boards and resource people to no avail.

This is the part when you say, “What can we do?” and I say, “Talk to us and listen to what we have to say. We are the ones dealing with this program of care and assistance, and the service workers have no say either.

It is time to readjust the programs to be real with our actual needs.

Suzzanne Chappell


Nelson Star