LETTER: Speak out before bill kills democracy

Reader Louise Taylor urges us to write to our MP about Bill C-51.

Do you want the federal government to have the power to share your financial status, your medical history, or your sexual orientation, etc. with 17 government agencies or possibly foreign governments?

If your answer is no, then I urge you to contact your MP to express your opposition to Bill C-51. Even in its amended form, it remains a dangerous bill that could result in violations to our fundamental Charter rights, particularly the rights to freedom of expression online and to privacy. The bill would also turn CSIS into a “secret police” force with little oversight or accountability.

Even though 50 per cent of Canadians reportedly oppose Bill C-51, the Conservatives seek to ram it through parliament. Please speak out before it is too late, before our democracy can not longer be resuscitated.

Louise Taylor


Nelson Star