Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: Speaking doublespeak

True north, strong, but are we free?

Something has been bothering me ever since a police spokesperson issued a statement regarding the new impaired driving laws, which allow police to draw a breath sample without cause to check for impairment.

The statement went something like this: “We are doing this because many impaired drivers are making it through our roadblocks undetected.”

A more stupid statement has never been uttered. This begs the question: How in the world would the police know this when these drivers are going “undetected?”

I wonder how long it will be before police can randomly search your phone (and view your personal conversations) to ensure you haven’t been texting and driving, or talking about something that might be labelled radical or anti-government?

We are moving closer and closer to a police state and the sad part is the apathy I see all around me. We should be doing what they are doing in France. Rocks and bottles flying on Parliament Hill. Fires. Floods. The whole nine yards. Canadians need to make a strong statement that we will not stand for this. So you young folks, put down your gaming devices and make up a protest sign. Older folks, get up off the couch and protest loudly. Doing nothing will accomplish nothing.

Anyone should be slapped who replies “If you are not doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to worry about.” That is not the point at all. This is exactly the apathy to which I refer.

Please don’t complain in the future when we will be living like our counterparts in Russia, China, North Korea, and lately, even the USA, where authorities can stop you on the street and demand to see your identification papers for absolutely no reason.

Remember our anthem? The true north strong and free? Still strong, yes, but hardly free.

Please stop this planet for a minute. I want to get off this ride.

Mark Billesberger


Penticton Western News