LETTER: Spirit of giving is alive

LETTER: Spirit of giving is alive

I had the most wonderful act of kindness shown me on Christmas Eve. I was going in to Thriftys in Colwood when I was approached by a young man and his daughter. The man handed me what looked like a gift card and said "We just like to do something for someone on Christmas."

I had the most wonderful act of kindness shown me on Christmas Eve. I was going in to Thriftys in Colwood when I was approached by a young man and his daughter. The man handed me what looked like a gift card and said “We just like to do something for someone on Christmas.”

I was so stunned but managed to say thank you and what a kind thing to do. In my stunned state I didn’t even get their names. I continued on in to the store and asked the lady at Customer Service if she tell me what was on the card. It was for $100.

Now I really was stunned but did manage to tell a number of the staff what had happened. What a fine example that young man set for his daughter and for a complete stranger. I will definitely be “Paying it Forward.” The spirit of giving is alive and well among us.

Annie McMunn


Goldstream News Gazette